Client: Portuguese Institute for Architectural Heritage
Supervisor: Arch. Moinhos e Arch. Frasao
Pilot restauration for the final project of the mural paintings. The Convent of Christ is Unesco World Heritage and the interior of Charola is the most important place of the monument. It’s a unique example for the vast artistic program and for the use of many techniques: paintings on stone, polychrome stone, gilded stucco and paintings, carved and gilded, painted panels. The pilot restoration was performed by a group of Italian and Portuguese conservators, who developed a methodology and made a proposal to be achieved on entire monument.
Francesca R. Radiciotti e AA.VV. , “Il restauro campione della Charola di Tomar”, in “Patrimonio Estudos n. 4/2003” by IPPAR (Istituto Portugues do Patrimonio Arquitectonico), Lisbon 2003.