Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martir...

Conservation of monumental oil paintings on canvas “Caduta di Simon Mago” di P.C. Trémolières (1703-39) “Crocifissione di San Pietro” di Niccolò Ricciolini (1687-1772). “Miracolo di San Pietro” di Francesco Mancini (1679-1758) “Predica di San Girolamo” di Girolamo Muziano (1528-92) “La messa di San Basilio” di Pierre Subleyras (1699-1749) “Caduta di Simon Mago” di Pompeo Batoni […]

Bibi Maryam Mausoleum, Qalat – Sultanate of...

Conservation of Bibi Maryam Mausoleum (XIV sec.) in the old city of Qalat (Unesco Site) Client: Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Archaeology Department Supervisor: Dr. Sultan al Bakri, Dr. Sultan al Maqbali

Duomo di Orvieto, Orvieto – Italy

Conservation of the sculptures and reconstruction of their bases before relocation to the main nave Commissioned by: Opera del Duomo di Orvieto Project Site Supervisor: Arch.Mauro Stella, Dott. Alessandra Cannistrà Supervisor: Superintendence of the Architectural Historical Artistic Heritage for Umbria  

Quirinale Museum, Rome – Italy

Three- year  maintenance and conservation of Ancient carriages, liveries and horse harnesses from Quirinale and Castelporziano estate Galleries Public Autority:  Presidency of the Republic of Italy – Museum department Supervisor: Dott. Marco Lattanzi

Archaeology Department, Muscat – Sultanate ...

Conservation of 110 bronze, stone, pottery and iron items from the sites of al-Deer (Dibba) Safah, and Mudhmar East (Adam) (first half of the Iron Age). Public Autority: Archaeology Department of Ministry of Heritage and Culture. Project Site Supervisors: Director Sultan al Bakri.  

National Museum, Muscat – Sultanate of Oman

Conservation of the National Museum permanent collection Public Autority:Ministry of Heritage and Culture –National Museum. Project Site Supervisors: Director Jamal al-Moosawi. From 2013 to 2016 10 Mahut amphorae coins collections (9th–10th and 19th-20th cent.). Greek style bronze incense burner holder (320 a.c.) 182 bronze items from the site of al-Deer (Dibba) and Safah (first half […]

National Museum, Muscat – Sultanate of Oman

Conservation of the National Museum permanent collection of Books, Prints and Manuscripts Commissioned by: Ministry of  Heritage and Culture – National Museum Project Site Supervisors: Director Jamal al-Moosawi. From 2014 to 2016    

Al-Deer Archaeological Site, Dibba – Sultan...

Conservation of the Grave LCG-1 and Later Parthian (end of the II nd BC) Public Autority: Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Archaeology Department. Project Site Supervisors: Director Sultan al Bakri.  

Villa of Traiano Imperator, Aula XXV, Arcinazzo R...

Conservation of the floor in old marbles “opus sectile”. Public Autority: Superintendence of the Archaeological Heritage for Lazio. Project Site Supervisor: Dr Fiore of Superintendence of the Archaeological Heritage of Lazio. The room XXV of Trajan’s villa to Arcinazzo Romano highlands presents the collapse of an extraordinary decoration of inlaid walls of colored antique marbles […]

San Michele Arcangelo Church, Sermoneta – I...

Conservation and development of old Church of San Michele Arcangelo (13th cent.) to be devoted to exhibition space, conference room and permanent exhibition of defensive structures in the old city of Sermoneta. Commissioned by: Sermoneta Local Town Council. Project Site Supervisors: Arch. Di Falco. Addiccional Supervisors : Dr. Rossi for Superintendence of the Historical, Artistic […]